Q Power in the media

Q Power and Power-to-X solutions have recently been featured broadly in the Finnish media. 


As the reality of climate change sinks in further around the world, it is becoming increasingly clear that a sustainable, emission-free energy system will require Power-to-X production. Novel technologies are needed to enable electricity grid-level demand response applications and renewable power storage. The carbon net-neutral production of hydrocarbons, such as synthetic methane, also serve uses in industry and heavy, sea and air transportation.

As a frontrunner of Power-to-Methane, Q Power has recently been featured in several news articles, compiled below.

Helsingin Sanomat, July 23: Puuttuva palanen (subscribers only)

Yle, August 9: Tehdäänkö tulevaisuuden bensa vedestä ja ilmasta? Professori pitää sitä mahdollisena, mutta Suomessa keskitytään yhä biopolttoaineisiin 

Energiayrittäjyys August 10: Hiilidioksidi hyötykäyttöön Power-to-Gas-ratkaisulla 

